If the average citizen understood the basics of economics that was understood 200 years ago, most of the nonsense that is done in Washington would be impossible today. —Thomas Sowell
If the average citizen understood the basics of economics that was understood 200 years ago, most of the nonsense that is done in Washington would be impossible today. —Thomas Sowell
When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it. —Frederic Bastiat
When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it. —Frederic Bastiat
Socialists in Politics and Academia are convincing the emotionally compromised that the highest standard of living in history is akin to 1800’s poverty, and they must sacrifice their potential greatness for the suffocating mediocracy of socialism. —Josh Tolley (The Josh Tolley Show)
Socialists in Politics and Academia are convincing the emotionally compromised that the highest standard of living in history is akin to 1800’s poverty, and they must sacrifice their potential greatness for the suffocating mediocracy of socialism. —Josh Tolley (The Josh Tolley Show)
The idea is not to beat the government directly. That is almost impossible... But to do enough inner work that power-hungry mentalities disappear on their own. —Luis Fernando Mises
The idea is not to beat the government directly. That is almost impossible… But to do enough inner work that power-hungry mentalities disappear on their own. —Luis Fernando Mises
Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than as individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called "diversity" actually perpetuate racism. The true antidote to racism is liberty. Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of individual rights rather than group claims. Liberty means free-market capitalism, which rewards individual achievement and competence—not skin color, gender, or ethnicity. —Ron Paul
Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than as individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called “diversity” actually perpetuate racism. The true antidote to racism is liberty. Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of individual rights rather than group claims. Liberty means free-market capitalism, which rewards individual achievement and competence—not skin color, gender, or ethnicity. —Ron Paul
It is not right for one person to steal. It is not right for two people to steal. It is still not right for 51% of a voting population to vote for a representative who will hire a tax collector to steal for them. One of the great government lies is that theft can be moral when performed by enough people and called taxation. —Adam Kokesh
It is not right for one person to steal. It is not right for two people to steal. It is still not right for 51% of a voting population to vote for a representative who will hire a tax collector to steal for them. One of the great government lies is that theft can be moral when performed by enough people and called taxation. —Adam Kokesh
The current extent of surveillance clearly shows there is another motive besides catching bad guys. Government surveillance is not about keeping us safe. It’s about keeping us under control. —Adam Kokesh
The current extent of surveillance clearly shows there is another motive besides catching bad guys. Government surveillance is not about keeping us safe. It’s about keeping us under control. —Adam Kokesh
Anybody who questions authority and questions our current government inevitably comes to the conclusion that we are governed by criminals and we have to fundamentally change the system. —Adam Kokesh
Anybody who questions authority and questions our current government inevitably comes to the conclusion that we are governed by criminals and we have to fundamentally change the system. —Adam Kokesh