Tag: American libertarians

The enemy is who the enemy has always been. Our enemy isn’t left wingers or right wingers. Our enemy is the state. —Dave Smith

I’ve never felt more like a criminal than when I was fighting to be a Father to my own children in Family Law court. —Chris Cole

Corruption is corruption, despite the validity of the reasons it is carried out. —Janine Kent

We are going to out-recruit and out-work others and win over the party. If you want to beat us, out-recruit us and out-work us. — Dave Smith

There is no moral difference between a sales tax, property tax or income tax. They all take, without consent, what someone created with their freedom and liberty and give it to an entity that has no right to have it. — Anthony Welti

Here’s to the trouble makers! Here’s to the jury nullifiers, the rebel scum, those who won’t rest until they see justice and unfettered freedom! —Raylene Lightheart

Open your eyes… Anyone who encourages others to reject the State will be defamed, vilified, and ruined. Reject the cult of the omnipotent State. Be free. —Raylene Lightheart

There is something wrong with treating libertarian principles like a cheap whore to be sold for fickle votes. —Caryn Ann Harlos

[R]each deep into the soul of the average person and change them in a profound way. That’s what we need to do as libertarians. —Angela McArdle