1448: Shane Hazel – I’m Very Pro-Life

Personally, I'm very pro-life, but I don't think it's a good idea to take money through force and coercion to fund things that are against people's conscience whether they're pro-life or pro-choice. —Shane HazelDownload Print Quality (3840×2010)   |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 221KB
Personally, I'm very pro-life, but I don't think it's a good idea to take money through force and coercion to fund things that are against people's conscience whether they're pro-life or pro-choice. —Shane HazelDownload Print Quality (3840×2744)   |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 274KB

Personally, I’m very pro-life, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to take money through force and coercion to fund things that are against people’s conscience whether they’re pro-life or pro-choice. —Shane Hazel

1441: Thomas Sowell – The Major Flaw in Politics

One of the big differences between economics and politics is that politicians are not forced to pay attention to future consequences that lie beyond the next election. An elected official whose policies keep the public happy up through election day stands a good chance of being voted another term in office, even if those policies will have ruinous consequences in later years. There is no “present value” to make political decision-makers today take future consequences into account, when those consequences will come after election day. —Thomas SowellDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 202KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 111KB
One of the big differences between economics and politics is that politicians are not forced to pay attention to future consequences that lie beyond the next election. An elected official whose policies keep the public happy up through election day stands a good chance of being voted another term in office, even if those policies will have ruinous consequences in later years. There is no “present value” to make political decision-makers today take future consequences into account, when those consequences will come after election day. —Thomas SowellDownload Print Quality (6146×7680) 269KB  |  Normal Quality (3073×3840) 149KB

One of the big differences between economics and politics is that politicians are not forced to pay attention to future consequences that lie beyond the next election. An elected official whose policies keep the public happy up through election day stands a good chance of being voted another term in office, even if those policies will have ruinous consequences in later years. There is no “present value” to make political decision-makers today take future consequences into account, when those consequences will come after election day. —Thomas Sowell

1437: Nick Freitas – If You Don’t Agree with Them

If you don't agree with them on policy, you're a sexist, you're a bigot, or you're a racist. The moment they claim that, with no evidence, other than we don't agree... then they don't get to lecture us on compassion, tolerance, or open debate. —Nick FreitasDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 2.16MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 217KB
If you don't agree with them on policy, you're a sexist, you're a bigot, or you're a racist. The moment they claim that, with no evidence, other than we don't agree... then they don't get to lecture us on compassion, tolerance, or open debate. —Nick FreitasDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 2.82MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 286KB

If you don’t agree with them on policy, you’re a sexist, you’re a bigot, or you’re a racist. The moment they claim that, with no evidence, other than we don’t agree… then they don’t get to lecture us on compassion, tolerance, or open debate. —Nick Freitas

1420: Lysander Spooner – Nothing in the Constitution

There is nothing in the Constitution that professes or attempts to bind the posterity of those who established it. The question arises whether their posterity have bound themselves. —Lysander SpoonerDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 2.29MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 221KB
There is nothing in the Constitution that professes or attempts to bind the posterity of those who established it. The question arises whether their posterity have bound themselves. —Lysander SpoonerDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 2.94MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 287KB

There is nothing in the Constitution that professes or attempts to bind the posterity of those who established it. The question arises whether their posterity have bound themselves. —Lysander Spooner

1417: Murray Rothbard – A History of Violence

The history of government is the history of violence, of the strong plundering the weak. Wicked tyrants engage in orgies of violence; being rulers they could give free rein to all their desires. —Murray RothbardDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.05MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 218KB
The history of government is the history of violence, of the strong plundering the weak. Wicked tyrants engage in orgies of violence; being rulers they could give free rein to all their desires. —Murray RothbardDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 4.01MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 271KB

The history of government is the history of violence, of the strong plundering the weak. Wicked tyrants engage in orgies of violence; being rulers they could give free rein to all their desires. —Murray Rothbard

1412: Spike Cohen – Like Fish in a Barrel

Government will mandate that your children be left vulnerable like fish in a barrel in their school; hold you down outside while they are murdered, and then blame you for owning a rifle. —Spike CohenDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 7.09MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 218KB
Government will mandate that your children be left vulnerable like fish in a barrel in their school; hold you down outside while they are murdered, and then blame you for owning a rifle. —Spike CohenDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 9.36MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 273KB

Government will mandate that your children be left vulnerable like fish in a barrel in their school; hold you down outside while they are murdered, and then blame you for owning a rifle. —Spike Cohen

1411: Jack Lloyd – Voting and Individual Consent

Voting cannot be a substitute for individual consent, as voting is forced upon all people whether they agree with having a vote in the first place or not. —Jack Lloyd, The Definitive Guide to Libertarian VoluntaryismDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 6.06MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 249KB
Voting cannot be a substitute for individual consent, as voting is forced upon all people whether they agree with having a vote in the first place or not. —Jack Lloyd, The Definitive Guide to Libertarian VoluntaryismDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 8.16MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 317KB

Voting cannot be a substitute for individual consent, as voting is forced upon all people whether they agree with having a vote in the first place or not. —Jack Lloyd, The Definitive Guide to Libertarian Voluntaryism

1408: Hans-Hermann Hoppe – The State

The State dirties and taints everything it touches. Run by gangs of murderers, plunderers, and thieves, surrounded by willing executioners and propagandists. —Hans-Hermann HoppeDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 2.61MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 197KB
The State dirties and taints everything it touches. Run by gangs of murderers, plunderers, and thieves, surrounded by willing executioners and propagandists. —Hans-Hermann HoppeDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 3.45MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 247KB

The State dirties and taints everything it touches. Run by gangs of murderers, plunderers, and thieves, surrounded by willing executioners and propagandists. —Hans-Hermann Hoppe

1405: Karl Hess – Integration & Segregation

Racism has been supported in this country not despite of, but thanks to, governmental power and politics. Reverse racism — thinking that government is competent to force people to integrate, just as it once forced them to segregate — is just as political and just as disastrous. It has not worked. Its product has been hatred rather than brotherhood. —Karl HessDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 2.66MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 247KB
Racism has been supported in this country not despite of, but thanks to, governmental power and politics. Reverse racism — thinking that government is competent to force people to integrate, just as it once forced them to segregate — is just as political and just as disastrous. It has not worked. Its product has been hatred rather than brotherhood. —Karl HessDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 4.22MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 338KB

Racism has been supported in this country not despite of, but thanks to, governmental power and politics. Reverse racism — thinking that government is competent to force people to integrate, just as it once forced them to segregate — is just as political and just as disastrous. It has not worked. Its product has been hatred rather than brotherhood. —Karl Hess

1404: Ayn Rand – Statism is Perpetual Violence

Statism is a system of institutionalized violence and perpetual civil war. It leaves men no choice but to fight to seize political power—to rob or be robbed, to kill or be killed. When brute force is the only criterion of social conduct, and unresisting surrender to destruction is the only alternative, even the lowest of men, even an animal—even a cornered rat—will fight. There can be no peace within an enslaved nation. —Ayn RandDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 1.85MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 242KB
	Statism is a system of institutionalized violence and perpetual civil war. It leaves men no choice but to fight to seize political power—to rob or be robbed, to kill or be killed. When brute force is the only criterion of social conduct, and unresisting surrender to destruction is the only alternative, even the lowest of men, even an animal—even a cornered rat—will fight. There can be no peace within an enslaved nation. —Ayn RandDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 2.73MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 317KB

Statism is a system of institutionalized violence and perpetual civil war. It leaves men no choice but to fight to seize political power—to rob or be robbed, to kill or be killed. When brute force is the only criterion of social conduct, and unresisting surrender to destruction is the only alternative, even the lowest of men, even an animal—even a cornered rat—will fight. There can be no peace within an enslaved nation. —Ayn Rand