1324: Walter Williams – Be Bold

It takes a bold person to be for personal liberty because you have to be able to cope with people saying things and engaging in voluntary acts that you deem offensive. —Walter WilliamsDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 183KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 88KB
It takes a bold person to be for personal liberty because you have to be able to cope with people saying things and engaging in voluntary acts that you deem offensive. —Walter WilliamsDownload Print Quality (7680×7680) 268KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 125KB

It takes a bold person to be for personal liberty because you have to be able to cope with people saying things and engaging in voluntary acts that you deem offensive. —Walter Williams

1320: Thomas DiLorenzo – Lincoln Saved the Federal Union

Thus, Lincoln “saved” the federal union in the same sense that a man who has been abusing his wife “saves” his marital union by violently forcing his wife back into the home and threatening to shoot her if she leaves again. The union may well be saved, but it is not the same kind of union that existed on their wedding day. That union no longer exists. The American union of the founding fathers ceased to exist in April of 1865. —Thomas DiLorenzo, Lincoln Unmasked

1318: Jimmy Wales – Hayek & Wikipedia

Hayek’s work on price theory is central to my own thinking about how to manage the Wikipedia project. One can’t understand my ideas about Wikipedia without understanding Hayek. —Jimmy Wales, Founder of WikipediaDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 4.21MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 224KB
Hayek’s work on price theory is central to my own thinking about how to manage the Wikipedia project. One can’t understand my ideas about Wikipedia without understanding Hayek. —Jimmy Wales, Founder of WikipediaDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 5.69MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 289KB

Hayek’s work on price theory is central to my own thinking about how to manage the Wikipedia project. One can’t understand my ideas about Wikipedia without understanding Hayek. —Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia

1316: Thomas DiLorenzo – The Most Dangerous Man

The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think for himself. —Thomas DiLorenzo, The Problem with SocialismDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 2.00MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 199KB
The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think for himself. —Thomas DiLorenzo, The Problem with SocialismDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 2.67MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 266KB

The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think for himself. —Thomas DiLorenzo, The Problem with Socialism

1315: Thomas DiLorenzo – Government Waste

In government, the worse an agency performs, the more money it can claim from a legislature. If state-run schools fail to educate children, then obviously they need more money… If the welfare state fails to reduce, or actually increases, poverty then obviously, say the bureaucrats, we need to expand welfare programs even further. —Thomas DiLorenzo, The Problem with SocialismDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 240KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 126KB
In government, the worse an agency performs, the more money it can claim from a legislature. If state-run schools fail to educate children, then obviously they need more money… If the welfare state fails to reduce, or actually increases, poverty then obviously, say the bureaucrats, we need to expand welfare programs even further. —Thomas DiLorenzo, The Problem with SocialismDownload Print Quality (7680×7680) 330KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 162KB

In government, the worse an agency performs, the more money it can claim from a legislature. If state-run schools fail to educate children, then obviously they need more money… If the welfare state fails to reduce, or actually increases, poverty then obviously, say the bureaucrats, we need to expand welfare programs even further. —Thomas DiLorenzo, The Problem with Socialism

1314: Hans-Hermann Hoppe – Seven Year Old Voters

If the right to vote were expanded to seven year olds, its policies would most definitely reflect the legitimate concerns of children to have adequate and equal access to free french fries, lemonade and videos. —Hans-Hermann HoppeDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 174KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 90KB
If the right to vote were expanded to seven year olds, its policies would most definitely reflect the legitimate concerns of children to have adequate and equal access to free french fries, lemonade and videos. —Hans-Hermann HoppeDownload Print Quality (7680×7680) 237KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 115KB

If the right to vote were expanded to seven year olds, its policies would most definitely reflect the legitimate concerns of children to have adequate and equal access to free french fries, lemonade and videos. —Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Democracy the God that Failed

1313: Karl Hess – The Radical Position is a Lonely One

	The radical-revolutionary position is a lonely one. It is feared and hated, by both Right and Left — although both Right and Left must borrow from it to survive. The radical-revolutionary position is libertarianism, and its socioeconomic form is laissez-faire capitalism. —Karl HessDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 181KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 91KB
	The radical-revolutionary position is a lonely one. It is feared and hated, by both Right and Left — although both Right and Left must borrow from it to survive. The radical-revolutionary position is libertarianism, and its socioeconomic form is laissez-faire capitalism. —Karl HessDownload Print Quality (7680×7680) 264KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 130KB

The radical-revolutionary position is a lonely one. It is feared and hated, by both Right and Left — although both Right and Left must borrow from it to survive. The radical-revolutionary position is libertarianism, and its socioeconomic form is laissez-faire capitalism. —Karl Hess

1312: Karl Hess – As Governments Fail

As governments fail around the world, as more millions become aware that government never has and never can humanely and effectively manage men's affairs, government's own inadequacy will emerge, at last, as the basis for a truly radical and revolutionary movement. —Karl HessDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 199KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 102KB
As governments fail around the world, as more millions become aware that government never has and never can humanely and effectively manage men's affairs, government's own inadequacy will emerge, at last, as the basis for a truly radical and revolutionary movement. —Karl HessDownload Print Quality (7680×7680) 275KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 132KB

As governments fail around the world, as more millions become aware that government never has and never can humanely and effectively manage men’s affairs, government’s own inadequacy will emerge, at last, as the basis for a truly radical and revolutionary movement. —Karl Hess

1310: Trey Parker – I’m a Registered Libertarian

I’m a registered Libertarian. We find just as many things to rip on the left as we do on the right. People on the far-left and the far-right are the same exact person to us. —Trey Parker, Co-Creator of South ParkDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 4.21MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 198KB
I’m a registered Libertarian. We find just as many things to rip on the left as we do on the right. People on the far-left and the far-right are the same exact person to us. —Trey Parker, Co-Creator of South ParkDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 5.35MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 254KB

I’m a registered Libertarian. We find just as many things to rip on the left as we do on the right. People on the far-left and the far-right are the same exact person to us. —Trey Parker, Co-Creator of South Park

1309: Thomas Sowell – Dangerous and Stupid

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. —Thomas SowellDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 158KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 75KB
It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. —Thomas SowellDownload Print Quality (7680×7680) 218KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 98KB

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. —Thomas Sowell