1219: Mary Ruwart – Punishing Flag Burning

You believe that flag burning shows disrespect towards those who have fought to preserve our freedoms. Punishing protestors shows an even more profound disrespect for the ideals that these people died for. An intact flag is worthless if it no longer stands for freedom. A flag burned to ashes challenges us to remember just exactly what freedom is. ―Mary RuwartDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 5.32MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 325KB
You believe that flag burning shows disrespect towards those who have fought to preserve our freedoms. Punishing protestors shows an even more profound disrespect for the ideals that these people died for. An intact flag is worthless if it no longer stands for freedom. A flag burned to ashes challenges us to remember just exactly what freedom is. ―Mary RuwartDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 7.12MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 410KB

You believe that flag burning shows disrespect towards those who have fought to preserve our freedoms. Punishing protestors shows an even more profound disrespect for the ideals that these people died for. An intact flag is worthless if it no longer stands for freedom. A flag burned to ashes challenges us to remember just exactly what freedom is. ―Mary Ruwart

1216: Vince Vaughn – I was Blown Away to Learn About the Federal Reserve

I was really blown away when I learned that the Federal Reserve was private and that the government had no kind of oversight over it. That's what led me to learn about FDR's confiscation of gold and Nixon taking us off the Gold Standard and it was really mind blowing. —Vince Vaughn (Tom Woods Show Ep. 1470)Download Print Quality (3840×2010) 2.61MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 234KB
I was really blown away when I learned that the Federal Reserve was private and that the government had no kind of oversight over it. That's what led me to learn about FDR's confiscation of gold and Nixon taking us off the Gold Standard and it was really mind blowing. —Vince Vaughn (Tom Woods Show Ep. 1470)Download Print Quality (3840×2744) 3.54MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 298KB

I was really blown away when I learned that the Federal Reserve was private and that the government had no kind of oversight over it. That’s what led me to learn about FDR’s confiscation of gold and Nixon taking us off the Gold Standard and it was really mind blowing.
—Vince Vaughn (Tom Woods Show Ep. 1470)

1207: Tim Pool – Ron Paul Wants to Leave Me Alone

I remember the Ron Paul era and I didn't agree with a lot of his moral positions. But I did agree with him saying he wants to leave me alone. I'll take the guy who's gonna leave me alone. Because we can disagree on everything, but then he agrees to leave me alone. I think that's great. —Tim PoolDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.25MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 225KB
I remember the Ron Paul era and I didn't agree with a lot of his moral positions. But I did agree with him saying he wants to leave me alone. I'll take the guy who's gonna leave me alone. Because we can disagree on everything, but then he agrees to leave me alone. I think that's great. —Tim PoolDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 4.37MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 287KB

I remember the Ron Paul era and I didn’t agree with a lot of his moral positions. But I did agree with him saying he wants to leave me alone.
I’ll take the guy who’s gonna leave me alone. Because we can disagree on everything, but then he agrees to leave me alone. I think that’s great. —Tim Pool

1206: Do Not Violate Your Principles in Order to Fit In

Do not violate your principles in order to fit in with people who have no principles.

1205: Ron Paul – Maybe I Will Have My Way Someday

I think that's why a group like this is so important because what you're doing is you're changing perceptions. Groups like this did not exist 20 and 30 years ago, so therefore maybe I will have my way someday. —Ron Paul (To Libertarians, 1983)Download Print Quality (3840×2010) 2.97MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 198KB
I think that's why a group like this is so important because what you're doing is you're changing perceptions. Groups like this did not exist 20 and 30 years ago, so therefore maybe I will have my way someday. —Ron Paul (To Libertarians, 1983)Download Print Quality (3840×2744) 3.91MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 245KB

I think that’s why a group like this is so important because what you’re doing is you’re changing perceptions. Groups like this did not exist 20 and 30 years ago, so therefore maybe I will have my way someday. —Ron Paul (To Libertarians, 1983)

1197: Michael Badnarik – Libertarians Want Freedom

The Democrats and Republicans stand at two extremes, characterized by which parts of our lives they emphasize their desire to control. Libertarians reject both extremes in favor of the government leaving control of your life to you. —Michael Badnarik (Libertarian Party Presidential Nominee 2004)Download Print Quality (3840×2010) 6.25MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 275KB
The Democrats and Republicans stand at two extremes, characterized by which parts of our lives they emphasize their desire to control. Libertarians reject both extremes in favor of the government leaving control of your life to you. —Michael Badnarik (Libertarian Party Presidential Nominee 2004)Download Print Quality (3840×2744) 7.54MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 315KB

The Democrats and Republicans stand at two extremes, characterized by which parts of our lives they emphasize their desire to control. Libertarians reject both extremes in favor of the government leaving control of your life to you. —Michael Badnarik (Libertarian Party Presidential Nominee 2004)

1192: Caryn Ann Harlos – Make the Libertarian Party Libertarian Again

All they really mean by the takeover language is they want to re-radicalize the Libertarian Party and make it libertarian again. Let me tell you something… I sure hope that takeover happens in Reno. —Caryn Ann HarlosDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 2.99MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 244KB
All they really mean by the takeover language is they want to re-radicalize the Libertarian Party and make it libertarian again. Let me tell you something… I sure hope that takeover happens in Reno. —Caryn Ann HarlosDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 3.81MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 303KB

All they really mean by the takeover language is they want to re-radicalize the Libertarian Party and make it libertarian again. Let me tell you something… I sure hope that takeover happens in Reno. —Caryn Ann Harlos

1191: Joshua Smith – Take the Libertarian Party Viral

I will stop at no less than taking the Libertarian Party viral with the right messaging. —Joshua SmithDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 2.35MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 181KB
I will stop at no less than taking the Libertarian Party viral with the right messaging. —Joshua SmithDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 3.58MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 239KB

I will stop at no less than taking the Libertarian Party viral with the right messaging. —Joshua Smith

1186: Murray Rothbard – We are Libertarians of the Will and Intellect

We are libertarians of the will as well as the intellect, of activity as well as theory, of real-world struggle as well as idealistic vision. Our goal is nothing less than the victory of liberty over the Leviathan state, and we shall not be deflected, we shall not be diverted, we shall not be suborned, from achieving that goal. Secure in the knowledge that we are in the right, inspired by the vision, determination and courage of our forbears, we dedicate ourselves to the noblest cause of all, the old American cause, of individual liberty. —Murray Rothbard

1185: Jack Lloyd – If You Must Ask for Permission

If you must ask for permission, it isn’t a right. It’s a privilege. And if you take a look around, every single pursuit that is supposed to be a fundamental right has been taken from us and turned to a subservient “license” or “permit.” —Jack LloydDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 4.00MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 216KB
If you must ask for permission, it isn’t a right. It’s a privilege. And if you take a look around, every single pursuit that is supposed to be a fundamental right has been taken from us and turned to a subservient “license” or “permit.” —Jack LloydDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 5.88MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 278KB

If you must ask for permission, it isn’t a right. It’s a privilege. And if you take a look around, every single pursuit that is supposed to be a fundamental right has been taken from us and turned to a subservient “license” or “permit.” —Jack Lloyd