1418: Edith Hamilton – Freedom from Responsibility

In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all — security, comfort, and freedom. When the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again. —Edith HamiltonDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 4.02MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 258KB
In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all — security, comfort, and freedom. When the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again. —Edith HamiltonDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 5.43MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 316KB

In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all — security, comfort, and freedom. When the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again. —Edith Hamilton

1417: Murray Rothbard – A History of Violence

The history of government is the history of violence, of the strong plundering the weak. Wicked tyrants engage in orgies of violence; being rulers they could give free rein to all their desires. —Murray RothbardDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.05MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 218KB
The history of government is the history of violence, of the strong plundering the weak. Wicked tyrants engage in orgies of violence; being rulers they could give free rein to all their desires. —Murray RothbardDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 4.01MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 271KB

The history of government is the history of violence, of the strong plundering the weak. Wicked tyrants engage in orgies of violence; being rulers they could give free rein to all their desires. —Murray Rothbard

1406: Dave Smith – Bold Messaging

What bold messaging means, from a libertarian perspective, is telling the truth. If there's a libertarian who is telling the truth, there's no way that it isn't bold messaging. We are all radicals. We live under the biggest government in the history of the world. As Martin Luther King once said, “The United States government is the biggest purveyor of violence in the world” —Dave SmithDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 1.76MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 241KB
What bold messaging means, from a libertarian perspective, is telling the truth. If there's a libertarian who is telling the truth, there's no way that it isn't bold messaging. We are all radicals. We live under the biggest government in the history of the world. As Martin Luther King once said, “The United States government is the biggest purveyor of violence in the world” —Dave SmithDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 2.43MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 303KB

What bold messaging means, from a libertarian perspective, is telling the truth. If there’s a libertarian who is telling the truth, there’s no way that it isn’t bold messaging. We are all radicals. We live under the biggest government in the history of the world. As Martin Luther King once said, “The United States government is the biggest purveyor of violence in the world” —Dave Smith

1379: Thomas Sowell – Confusing Victimhood with Virtue

[People] often make the fatal error of confusing victimhood with virtue [They] line up on the side of the victim, instead of lining up on the side of a moral principle. Yet nothing has been more common in history than for victims to become oppressors when they gain power —Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture: A World ViewDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 8.11MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 333KB
[People] often make the fatal error of confusing victimhood with virtue [They] line up on the side of the victim, instead of lining up on the side of a moral principle. Yet nothing has been more common in history than for victims to become oppressors when they gain power —Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture: A World ViewDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 13.54MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 466KB

“[People] often make the fatal error of confusing victimhood with virtue
[They] line up on the side of the victim, instead of lining up on the side of a moral principle. Yet nothing has been more common in history than for victims to become oppressors when they gain power” —Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture: A World View

1377: Thomas Sowell – Unaffordable Housing

	San Francisco Bay Area has one of the most expensive housing markets in the nation. However, as recently as 1970, Bay Area housing was affordable. Data from the 1970 census shows that a Bay Area family could dedicate 25% to housing and pay off their mortgage in just 13 years. By 1980, a family had to spend 40% of their income to pay off a home mortgage in 30 years; today, it requires 50%. It is precisely government intervention in housing markets which has made previously affordable housing unaffordable. Both the history and the economics of housing show this. —Thomas SowellDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 233KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 126KB
	San Francisco Bay Area has one of the most expensive housing markets in the nation. However, as recently as 1970, Bay Area housing was affordable. Data from the 1970 census shows that a Bay Area family could dedicate 25% to housing and pay off their mortgage in just 13 years. By 1980, a family had to spend 40% of their income to pay off a home mortgage in 30 years; today, it requires 50%. It is precisely government intervention in housing markets which has made previously affordable housing unaffordable. Both the history and the economics of housing show this. —Thomas SowellDownload Print Quality (7680×7680) 372KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 181KB

San Francisco Bay Area has one of the most expensive housing markets in the nation. However, as recently as 1970, Bay Area housing was affordable.
Data from the 1970 census shows that a Bay Area family could dedicate 25% to housing and pay off their mortgage in just 13 years. By 1980, a family had to spend 40% of their income to pay off a home mortgage in 30 years; today, it requires 50%. It is precisely government intervention in housing markets which has made previously affordable housing unaffordable. Both the history and the economics of housing show this. —Thomas Sowell

1368: William Warded – Excessive Regulations in Drug Development

Drug development, Drugs, FDA, Government, Health, History, Innovation, Law, RegulationsDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 190KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 99KB
	If even one new drug of the stature of penicillin or digitalis has been unjustifiably banished to a company's backshelf because of excessively stringent regulatory requirements, that event will have harmed more people than all the toxicity that has occurred in the history of modern drug development combined. —William WardedDownload Print Quality (7680×7680) 264KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 127KB

If even one new drug of the stature of penicillin or digitalis has been unjustifiably banished to a company’s backshelf because of excessively stringent regulatory requirements, that event will have harmed more people than all the toxicity that has occurred in the history of modern drug development combined. —William Warded

1346: Lew Rockwell – Let Us Not Be Mere Spectators

Let us not be mere spectators. With our pens, with our voices, with our contributions to our great cause let us give history a push in the direction of freedom. —Lew RockwellDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.15MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 267KB
Let us not be mere spectators. With our pens, with our voices, with our contributions to our great cause let us give history a push in the direction of freedom. —Lew RockwellDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 3.71MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 320KB

Let us not be mere spectators. With our pens, with our voices, with our contributions to our great cause let us give history a push in the direction of freedom. —Lew Rockwell

1344: Walter Williams – History is Not Going to Be Kind to Liberals

History is not going to be kind to liberals. With their mindless programs, they've managed to do to Black Americans what slavery, reconstruction, and rank racism found impossible: destroy their family and work ethic. —Walter WilliamsDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.40MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 253KB
History is not going to be kind to liberals. With their mindless programs, they've managed to do to Black Americans what slavery, reconstruction, and rank racism found impossible: destroy their family and work ethic. —Walter WilliamsDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 4.77MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 318KB

History is not going to be kind to liberals. With their mindless programs, they’ve managed to do to Black Americans what slavery, reconstruction, and rank racism found impossible: destroy their family and work ethic. —Walter Williams

1341: Lauren Southern – They have a Cartoonish Worldview

The terrifying thing is the less likely someone is to point Ukraine on the map the more likely it is that they want their country to go to war. They have no idea of any of the history. They look at it from a cartoonish worldview. —Lauren Southern, Download Print Quality (3840×2010) 4.96MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 256KB
The terrifying thing is the less likely someone is to point Ukraine on the map the more likely it is that they want their country to go to war. They have no idea of any of the history. They look at it from a cartoonish worldview. —Lauren Southern, Download Print Quality (3840×2744) 6.67MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 332KB

The terrifying thing is the less likely someone is to point Ukraine on the map the more likely it is that they want their country to go to war. They have no idea of any of the history. They look at it from a cartoonish worldview. —Lauren Southern, “Your Welcome” with Michael Malice #198

1320: Thomas DiLorenzo – Lincoln Saved the Federal Union

Thus, Lincoln “saved” the federal union in the same sense that a man who has been abusing his wife “saves” his marital union by violently forcing his wife back into the home and threatening to shoot her if she leaves again. The union may well be saved, but it is not the same kind of union that existed on their wedding day. That union no longer exists. The American union of the founding fathers ceased to exist in April of 1865. —Thomas DiLorenzo, Lincoln Unmasked