1419: Caitlin Johnstone – Being Anti-War

Everyone’s anti-war until the war propaganda starts. —Caitlin A. JohnstoneDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 235KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 126KB
Everyone’s anti-war until the war propaganda starts. —Caitlin A. JohnstoneDownload Print Quality (6146×7680) 303KB  |  Normal Quality (3073×3840) 156KB

Everyone’s anti-war until the war propaganda starts.

Virtually everyone will tell you they love peace and hate war; war is the very worst thing in the world, and no healthy person relishes the thought of it.

But when the rubber meets the road and it’s time to oppose war and push for peace, those who’d previously proclaimed themselves “anti-war” are on the other side screaming for more weapons to be poured into a proxy war that their government deliberately provoked.

This is because the theory of being anti-war is very different from the practice. — Caitlin A. Johnstone

1388: Jeff Deist – Personal Secession from the State

All of us can play a role in a bottom-up revolution by doing everything in our power to withdraw our consent from the state. —Jeff DeistDownload Print Quality (6144×7680) 399KB  |  Normal Quality (3072×3840) 220KB
  1. Secede from intellectual isolation. Talk to friends, family, and neighbors to spread liberty.
  2. Secede from dependency. Become self-sufficient with regards to food, water, fuel, cash, firearms, and physical security.
  3. Secede from mainstream media. Ditch cable, ditch CNN, and ditch the major newspapers.
  4. Secede from state control of your children by homeschooling or unschooling them.
  5. Secede from college by rejecting mainstream academia and its student loan trap.
  6. Secede from the US dollar by owning physical precious metals, by owning assets denominated in foreign currencies, and by owning assets abroad.
  7. Secede from the federal tax and regulatory regimes. Be as tax efficient as possible.
  8. Secede from the legal system by legally protecting your assets from probate courts.
  9. Secede from the state healthcare racket by taking control of your health, and questioning medical orthodoxy.
  10. Secede from your state by moving to another with a better tax and regulatory environment.
  11. Secede from political uncertainly in the US by obtaining a second passport; or secede from the US altogether by expatriating.
  12. Most of all, secede from the mindset that government is all-powerful or too formidable an opponent to be overcome.

All of us can play a role in a bottom-up revolution by doing everything in our power to withdraw our consent from the state. —Jeff Deist

All of us can play a role in a bottom-up revolution by doing everything in our power to withdraw our consent from the state. —Jeff DeistDownload Print Quality (370KB)
Normal Quality (219KB)
  1. Secede from intellectual isolation. Talk to friends, family, and neighbors to spread liberty.
  2. Secede from dependency. Become self-sufficient with regards to food, water, fuel, cash, firearms, and physical security.
  3. Secede from mainstream media. Ditch cable, ditch CNN, and ditch the major newspapers.
  4. Secede from state control of your children by homeschooling or unschooling them.
  5. Secede from college by rejecting mainstream academia and its student loan trap.
  6. Secede from the US dollar by owning physical precious metals, by owning assets denominated in foreign currencies, and by owning assets abroad.
  7. Secede from the federal tax and regulatory regimes. Be as tax efficient as possible.
  8. Secede from the legal system by legally protecting your assets from probate courts.
  9. Secede from the state healthcare racket by taking control of your health, and questioning medical orthodoxy.
  10. Secede from your state by moving to another with a better tax and regulatory environment.
  11. Secede from political uncertainly in the US by obtaining a second passport; or secede from the US altogether by expatriating.
  12. Most of all, secede from the mindset that government is all-powerful or too formidable an opponent to be overcome.

All of us can play a role in a bottom-up revolution by doing everything in our power to withdraw our consent from the state. —Jeff Deist

1369: Life Extension Magazine – 430,000 Deaths

After 12 long years of battling the FDA, and after the needless, premature deaths of at least 430,000 Americans, Ribavirin, which can treat severe lung infections, was finally approved in June 1998. —Life Extension MagazineDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 190KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 93KB
After 12 long years of battling the FDA, and after the needless, premature deaths of at least 430,000 Americans, Ribavirin, which can treat severe lung infections, was finally approved in June 1998. —Life Extension MagazineDownload Print Quality (7680×7680) 249KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 114KB

After 12 long years of battling the FDA, and after the needless, premature deaths of at least 430,000 Americans, Ribavirin, which can treat severe lung infections, was finally approved in June 1998. —Life Extension Magazine

1368: William Warded – Excessive Regulations in Drug Development

Drug development, Drugs, FDA, Government, Health, History, Innovation, Law, RegulationsDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 190KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 99KB
	If even one new drug of the stature of penicillin or digitalis has been unjustifiably banished to a company's backshelf because of excessively stringent regulatory requirements, that event will have harmed more people than all the toxicity that has occurred in the history of modern drug development combined. —William WardedDownload Print Quality (7680×7680) 264KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 127KB

If even one new drug of the stature of penicillin or digitalis has been unjustifiably banished to a company’s backshelf because of excessively stringent regulatory requirements, that event will have harmed more people than all the toxicity that has occurred in the history of modern drug development combined. —William Warded

1362: Mary Ruwart – Patients Die Waiting for New Drugs

Cancer patients often die waiting for new drugs to be approved by the FDA? Abigail Burroughs had squamous cell carcinoma, diagnosed when she was only 19 years old. She tried unsuccessfully to get FDA permission to try a new drug (Erbitux) that had shown success against her type of cancer. The FDA refused, and Abigail died at age 21. Abigail’s father formed the Abigail Alliance and sued the FDA. However, the courts ruled that Americans do not have the constitutional right to save their lives with drugs not approved by the FDA. —Mary RuwartDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 235KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 127KB
Cancer patients often die waiting for new drugs to be approved by the FDA? Abigail Burroughs had squamous cell carcinoma, diagnosed when she was only 19 years old. She tried unsuccessfully to get FDA permission to try a new drug (Erbitux) that had shown success against her type of cancer. The FDA refused, and Abigail died at age 21. Abigail’s father formed the Abigail Alliance and sued the FDA. However, the courts ruled that Americans do not have the constitutional right to save their lives with drugs not approved by the FDA. —Mary RuwartDownload Print Quality (7680×7680) 362KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 177KB

Cancer patients often die waiting for new drugs to be approved by the FDA? Abigail Burroughs had squamous cell carcinoma, diagnosed when she was only 19 years old. She tried unsuccessfully to get FDA permission to try a new drug (Erbitux) that had shown success against her type of cancer. The FDA refused, and Abigail died at age 21. Abigail’s father formed the Abigail Alliance and sued the FDA. However, the courts ruled that Americans do not have the constitutional right to save their lives with drugs not approved by the FDA. —Mary Ruwart

1354: Mary Ruwart – Heart Disease and Aspirin

The FDA limits the information that drug companies can share with doctors and consumers. As many as 100,000 Americans died needlessly from heart disease each year that aspirin makers couldn’t advertise aspirin’s role in its prevention. —Dr. Mary J. Ruwart, Healing Our WorldDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 170KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 84KB
The FDA limits the information that drug companies can share with doctors and consumers. As many as 100,000 Americans died needlessly from heart disease each year that aspirin makers couldn’t advertise aspirin’s role in its prevention. —Dr. Mary J. Ruwart, Healing Our WorldDownload Print Quality (7680×7680) 261KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 124KB

The FDA limits the information that drug companies can share with doctors and consumers. As many as 100,000 Americans died needlessly from heart disease each year that aspirin makers couldn’t advertise aspirin’s role in its prevention. —Dr. Mary J. Ruwart, Healing Our World

1353: Mary Ruwart – Expensive Medicine

We pay 5 times as much for drugs than we should. Because the FDA is blamed when drugs affect some people adversely, the agency drags out the approval process. Drug development time and cost has increased greatly since the early 1960s without any improvement in either efficacy or safety. The true cost, however, is measured in lives, as tens of thousands of people die waiting for the FDA to approve breakthrough drugs. —Dr. Mary J. Ruwart, Healing Our WorldDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 226KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 116KB
We pay 5 times as much for drugs than we should. Because the FDA is blamed when drugs affect some people adversely, the agency drags out the approval process. Drug development time and cost has increased greatly since the early 1960s without any improvement in either efficacy or safety. The true cost, however, is measured in lives, as tens of thousands of people die waiting for the FDA to approve breakthrough drugs. —Dr. Mary J. Ruwart, Healing Our WorldDownload Print Quality (7680×7680) 354KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 172KB

We pay 5 times as much for drugs than we should. Because the FDA is blamed when drugs affect some people adversely, the agency drags out the approval process. Drug development time and cost has increased greatly since the early 1960s without any improvement in either efficacy or safety. The true cost, however, is measured in lives, as tens of thousands of people die waiting for the FDA to approve breakthrough drugs. —Dr. Mary J. Ruwart, Healing Our World

1275: Albert Camus – The Alibi of Tyrants

	The welfare of the people has always been the alibi of tyrants. —Albert CamusDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 6.82MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 211KB
	The welfare of the people has always been the alibi of tyrants. —Albert CamusDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 11.61MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 273KB

The welfare of the people has always been the alibi of tyrants. —Albert Camus

1274: Michael Rectenwald – Vaccine Passport Marks the End of Free Society

The vaccine passport marks the end of a free society. —Michael RectenwaldDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.80MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 236KB
The vaccine passport marks the end of a free society. —Michael RectenwaldDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 4.65MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 306KB

The vaccine passport marks the end of a free society. —Michael Rectenwald

1261: Eric July – If You Advocate for Mandates…

In my show I make it abundantly clear that if you advocate for a government vaccine mandate you are a piece of shit. —Eric July (For Canon Sake with Eric July - 04 Sept 2021)Download Print Quality (3840×2010) 4.07MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 231KB
In my show I make it abundantly clear that if you advocate for a government vaccine mandate you are a piece of shit. —Eric July (For Canon Sake with Eric July - 04 Sept 2021)Download Print Quality (3840×2744) 4.79MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 301KB

In my show I make it abundantly clear that if you advocate for a government vaccine mandate you are a piece of shit. —Eric July (For Canon Sake with Eric July – 04 Sept 2021)