1399: Walter Block – The Cause of Traffic Accidents is Government

Do not be mislead by the oft made contention that the actual cause of highway fatalities is speed, drunkenness, vehicle malfunction, driver error, etc. These are only proximate causes. The ultimate cause of our dying like flies in traffic accidents is that those who own and manage these assets supposedly in the name of the public—the various roads bureaucrats—cannot manage their way out of the proverbial paper bag. It is they and they alone who are responsible for this carnage.Download Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.37MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 269KB
Do not be mislead by the oft made contention that the actual cause of highway fatalities is speed, drunkenness, vehicle malfunction, driver error, etc. These are only proximate causes. The ultimate cause of our dying like flies in traffic accidents is that those who own and manage these assets supposedly in the name of the public—the various roads bureaucrats—cannot manage their way out of the proverbial paper bag. It is they and they alone who are responsible for this carnage.Download Print Quality (3840×2744) 5.35MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 403KB

Over 40,000 people die on the nation’s roadways every year, and you or a loved one might one day join this horrid list.

Do not be mislead by the oft made contention that the actual cause of highway fatalities is speed, drunkenness, vehicle malfunction, driver error, etc. These are only proximate causes. The ultimate cause of our dying like flies in traffic accidents is that those who own and manage these assets supposedly in the name of the public—the various roads bureaucrats—cannot manage their way out of the proverbial paper bag. It is they and they alone who are responsible for this carnage.

This does not mean that were thoroughfares placed in private hands that the death toll would be zero. It would not. But, at least, every time the life of someone was tragically snuffed out, someone in a position to ameliorate these dangerous conditions would lose money, and this tends, wonderfully, to focus the minds of the owners. This is why we do not have similar problems with bananas, baskets, and bicycles, and the myriad of other goods and services supplied to us by a (relatively) free enterprise system.

—Walter Block

1397: Mindy Robinson – Imagine Auditing the Fed

Imagine auditing the Federal Reserve? Wait till the masses realize their money has no value, that Congress is enslaving our future generations into paying their impossible-to-pay-off debt, and that our whole currency system is one big Ponzi scheme that’s about to collapse. —Mindy RobinsonDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 5.67MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 314KB
Imagine auditing the Federal Reserve? Wait till the masses realize their money has no value, that Congress is enslaving our future generations into paying their impossible-to-pay-off debt, and that our whole currency system is one big Ponzi scheme that’s about to collapse. —Mindy RobinsonDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 8.52MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 443KB

Imagine auditing the Federal Reserve? Wait till the masses realize their money has no value, that Congress is enslaving our future generations into paying their impossible-to-pay-off debt, and that our whole currency system is one big Ponzi scheme that’s about to collapse. —Mindy Robinson

1395: Lew Rockwell – The Key to Its Survival

	If the state loses its grip over your mind, it loses the very key to its survival. —Lew RockwellDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 9.04MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 305KB
	If the state loses its grip over your mind, it loses the very key to its survival. —Lew RockwellDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 11.40MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 392KB

If the state loses its grip over your mind, it loses the very key to its survival. —Lew Rockwell

1394: Scott Horton – Modern Democracies

Most modern democracies are to some extent dual states. There is the government described in high school civics books, with carefully checked and circumscribed powers — but lurking in the background, there is a far more formidable bureaucratic apparatus, which actually wields the power of the state and cares little for constitutional niceties. —Scott HortonDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 2.80MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 247KB
Most modern democracies are to some extent dual states. There is the government described in high school civics books, with carefully checked and circumscribed powers — but lurking in the background, there is a far more formidable bureaucratic apparatus, which actually wields the power of the state and cares little for constitutional niceties. —Scott HortonDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 4.49MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 333KB

Most modern democracies are to some extent dual states. There is the government described in high school civics books, with carefully checked and circumscribed powers — but lurking in the background, there is a far more formidable bureaucratic apparatus, which actually wields the power of the state and cares little for constitutional niceties. —Scott Horton

1391: Antony Davies – Not the Poor who Benefit

	It is not the poor who benefit the most from “the war on poverty” but the non-poor who benefit from employment in poverty programs. —Antony DaviesDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.66MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 238KB
	It is not the poor who benefit the most from “the war on poverty” but the non-poor who benefit from employment in poverty programs. —Antony DaviesDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 4.63MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 325KB

It is not the poor who benefit the most from “the war on poverty” but the non-poor who benefit from employment in poverty programs. —Antony Davies

1389: Antony Davies – Poverty Bureaucracy

We have developed a poverty industry and a poverty bureaucracy. Both of them seek to perpetuate themselves, and yet the poverty rate remains the same year over year. The war on poverty is not dominated by the people who are poor but by the non-poor who benefit from employment in poverty programs. —Antony DaviesDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 215KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 103KB
We have developed a poverty industry and a poverty bureaucracy. Both of them seek to perpetuate themselves, and yet the poverty rate remains the same year over year. The war on poverty is not dominated by the people who are poor but by the non-poor who benefit from employment in poverty programs. —Antony DaviesDownload Print Quality (6144×7680) 475KB  |  Normal Quality (3072×3840) 280KB

We have developed a poverty industry and a poverty bureaucracy. Both of them seek to perpetuate themselves, and yet the poverty rate remains the same year over year. The war on poverty is not dominated by the people who are poor but by the non-poor who benefit from employment in poverty programs. —Antony Davies

1388: Jeff Deist – Personal Secession from the State

All of us can play a role in a bottom-up revolution by doing everything in our power to withdraw our consent from the state. —Jeff DeistDownload Print Quality (6144×7680) 399KB  |  Normal Quality (3072×3840) 220KB
  1. Secede from intellectual isolation. Talk to friends, family, and neighbors to spread liberty.
  2. Secede from dependency. Become self-sufficient with regards to food, water, fuel, cash, firearms, and physical security.
  3. Secede from mainstream media. Ditch cable, ditch CNN, and ditch the major newspapers.
  4. Secede from state control of your children by homeschooling or unschooling them.
  5. Secede from college by rejecting mainstream academia and its student loan trap.
  6. Secede from the US dollar by owning physical precious metals, by owning assets denominated in foreign currencies, and by owning assets abroad.
  7. Secede from the federal tax and regulatory regimes. Be as tax efficient as possible.
  8. Secede from the legal system by legally protecting your assets from probate courts.
  9. Secede from the state healthcare racket by taking control of your health, and questioning medical orthodoxy.
  10. Secede from your state by moving to another with a better tax and regulatory environment.
  11. Secede from political uncertainly in the US by obtaining a second passport; or secede from the US altogether by expatriating.
  12. Most of all, secede from the mindset that government is all-powerful or too formidable an opponent to be overcome.

All of us can play a role in a bottom-up revolution by doing everything in our power to withdraw our consent from the state. —Jeff Deist

All of us can play a role in a bottom-up revolution by doing everything in our power to withdraw our consent from the state. —Jeff DeistDownload Print Quality (370KB)
Normal Quality (219KB)
  1. Secede from intellectual isolation. Talk to friends, family, and neighbors to spread liberty.
  2. Secede from dependency. Become self-sufficient with regards to food, water, fuel, cash, firearms, and physical security.
  3. Secede from mainstream media. Ditch cable, ditch CNN, and ditch the major newspapers.
  4. Secede from state control of your children by homeschooling or unschooling them.
  5. Secede from college by rejecting mainstream academia and its student loan trap.
  6. Secede from the US dollar by owning physical precious metals, by owning assets denominated in foreign currencies, and by owning assets abroad.
  7. Secede from the federal tax and regulatory regimes. Be as tax efficient as possible.
  8. Secede from the legal system by legally protecting your assets from probate courts.
  9. Secede from the state healthcare racket by taking control of your health, and questioning medical orthodoxy.
  10. Secede from your state by moving to another with a better tax and regulatory environment.
  11. Secede from political uncertainly in the US by obtaining a second passport; or secede from the US altogether by expatriating.
  12. Most of all, secede from the mindset that government is all-powerful or too formidable an opponent to be overcome.

All of us can play a role in a bottom-up revolution by doing everything in our power to withdraw our consent from the state. —Jeff Deist

1385: Gloria Alvarez – Government Power

The more power you give the government the less power you have to control your life. —Gloria AlvarezDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 7.61MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 275KB
The more power you give the government the less power you have to control your life. —Gloria AlvarezDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 9.44MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 344KB

The more power you give the government the less power you have to control your life. —Gloria Alvarez

1378: Thomas Sowell – Government Planning

	“Planning” in political rhetoric is the government’s suppression of other people’s plans by superimposing on them a collective plan, created by third parties, armed with the power of government and exempted from paying the costs that these collective plans impose on others. —Thomas SowellDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 2.16MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 221KB
	“Planning” in political rhetoric is the government’s suppression of other people’s plans by superimposing on them a collective plan, created by third parties, armed with the power of government and exempted from paying the costs that these collective plans impose on others. —Thomas SowellDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 2.99MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 287KB

“Planning” in political rhetoric is the government’s suppression of other people’s plans by superimposing on them a collective plan, created by third parties, armed with the power of government and exempted from paying the costs that these collective plans impose on others. —Thomas Sowell

1377: Thomas Sowell – Unaffordable Housing

	San Francisco Bay Area has one of the most expensive housing markets in the nation. However, as recently as 1970, Bay Area housing was affordable. Data from the 1970 census shows that a Bay Area family could dedicate 25% to housing and pay off their mortgage in just 13 years. By 1980, a family had to spend 40% of their income to pay off a home mortgage in 30 years; today, it requires 50%. It is precisely government intervention in housing markets which has made previously affordable housing unaffordable. Both the history and the economics of housing show this. —Thomas SowellDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 233KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 126KB
	San Francisco Bay Area has one of the most expensive housing markets in the nation. However, as recently as 1970, Bay Area housing was affordable. Data from the 1970 census shows that a Bay Area family could dedicate 25% to housing and pay off their mortgage in just 13 years. By 1980, a family had to spend 40% of their income to pay off a home mortgage in 30 years; today, it requires 50%. It is precisely government intervention in housing markets which has made previously affordable housing unaffordable. Both the history and the economics of housing show this. —Thomas SowellDownload Print Quality (7680×7680) 372KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 181KB

San Francisco Bay Area has one of the most expensive housing markets in the nation. However, as recently as 1970, Bay Area housing was affordable.
Data from the 1970 census shows that a Bay Area family could dedicate 25% to housing and pay off their mortgage in just 13 years. By 1980, a family had to spend 40% of their income to pay off a home mortgage in 30 years; today, it requires 50%. It is precisely government intervention in housing markets which has made previously affordable housing unaffordable. Both the history and the economics of housing show this. —Thomas Sowell