Here’s to the trouble makers! Here’s to the jury nullifiers, the rebel scum, those who won’t rest until they see justice and unfettered freedom! —Raylene Lightheart

Here’s to the trouble makers! Here’s to the jury nullifiers, the rebel scum, those who won’t rest until they see justice and unfettered freedom! —Raylene Lightheart
We’re not just a third party, we’re a completely different way of looking at how government interacts with the people. We believe that people do best when they are the most free. —Spike Cohen
I believe that people have a right to decide their own destinies; people own themselves. I also believe that, in a democracy, government exists because (and only so long as) individual citizens give it a ‘temporary license to exist’ — in exchange for a promise that it will behave itself. In a democracy, you own the government, it doesn’t own you. —Frank Zappa
To those who say Libertarianism is a fringe ideology: There is nothing fringe about wanting control over your own lives and money. —Spike Cohen