1184: Michael Rectenwald – Stalin, Just Weirder

Close your eyes and imagine a world full of self-replicating little Stalins. Now open your eyes. You live in that world. It's called social justice and the little Stalins are SJWs. SJW: Stalin, Just Weirder. —Michael RectenwaldDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.97MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 247KB
Close your eyes and imagine a world full of self-replicating little Stalins. Now open your eyes. You live in that world. It's called social justice and the little Stalins are SJWs. SJW: Stalin, Just Weirder. —Michael RectenwaldDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 5.27MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 307KB

Close your eyes and imagine a world full of self-replicating little Stalins.
Now open your eyes. You live in that world. It’s called social justice and the little Stalins are SJWs. SJW: Stalin, Just Weirder. —Michael Rectenwald

1183: Jordan Peterson – The Most Potent Anti-Authoritarian Action

The most potent anti-authoritarian action is to tell the truth. —Jordan PetersonDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.39MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 184KB
The most potent anti-authoritarian action is to tell the truth. —Jordan PetersonDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 4.79MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 242KB

The most potent anti-authoritarian action is to tell the truth. —Jordan Peterson

1182: H.L. Mencken – The Average Man Simply Wants to be Safe

The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe. — H.L. MenckenDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 7.12MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 269KB
The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe. — H.L. MenckenDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 9.34MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 337KB

The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe. — H.L. Mencken

1176: Yeonmi Park – If You Don’t Know You’re a Slave

How do you fight to be free if you don't know you're a slave. —Yeonmi Park - In an interview with Jordan Peterson she said when she fled North Korea she didn’t even know what freedom was, she only wanted to leave because there was no food to eat.Download Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.73MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 216KB
How do you fight to be free if you don't know you're a slave. —Yeonmi Park - In an interview with Jordan Peterson she said when she fled North Korea she didn’t even know what freedom was, she only wanted to leave because there was no food to eat.Download Print Quality (3840×2744) 5.90MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 273KB

How do you fight to be free if you don’t know you’re a slave. —Yeonmi Park – In an interview with Jordan Peterson she said when she fled North Korea she didn’t even know what freedom was, she only wanted to leave because there was no food to eat.

1174: Ayn Rand – Individual Rights are Not Subject to a Public Vote

A majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority. Individual Rights are not subject to a public vote. —Ayn Rand

1172: Milton Friedman – Lack of Belief in Freedom Itself

Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself. —Milton FriedmanDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 4.29MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 187KB
Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself. —Milton FriedmanDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 5.62MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 232KB

Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself. —Milton Friedman

1161: Andrew Napolitano – Common Good vs. Your Natural Rights

No matter how well-intentioned these governors may be, no matter how sound their medical advice is, if the common good could trump your natural rights then they wouldn't be rights. —Judge Andrew Napolitano (Mises Institute, 13 July 2020)Download Print Quality (3840×2010) 7.30MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 196KB
No matter how well-intentioned these governors may be, no matter how sound their medical advice is, if the common good could trump your natural rights then they wouldn't be rights. —Judge Andrew Napolitano (Mises Institute, 13 July 2020)Download Print Quality (3840×2744) 9.40MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 247KB

No matter how well-intentioned these governors may be, no matter how sound their medical advice is, if the common good could trump your natural rights then they wouldn’t be rights. —Judge Andrew Napolitano (Mises Institute, 13 July 2020)

1160: Friedrich Hayek – Democratic Socialism Produces Something Different

Democratic Socialism, the great utopia of the last few generations, is not only unachievable, but that to strive for it produces something that many will not believe until the connection has been laid bare in all its aspects. —F.A. Hayek

1144: Frank Zappa – The Illusion of Freedom

The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater. —Frank Zappa

1138: Raylene Lightheart – Reject the Cult of the Omnipotent State

Open your eyes… Anyone who encourages others to reject the State will be defamed, vilified, and ruined. Reject the cult of the omnipotent State. Be free. —Raylene LightheartDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 5.55MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 262KB
Open your eyes… Anyone who encourages others to reject the State will be defamed, vilified, and ruined. Reject the cult of the omnipotent State. Be free. —Raylene LightheartDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 8.08MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 335KB

Open your eyes… Anyone who encourages others to reject the State will be defamed, vilified, and ruined. Reject the cult of the omnipotent State. Be free. —Raylene Lightheart