The State dirties and taints everything it touches. Run by gangs of murderers, plunderers, and thieves, surrounded by willing executioners and propagandists. —Hans-Hermann Hoppe

The State dirties and taints everything it touches. Run by gangs of murderers, plunderers, and thieves, surrounded by willing executioners and propagandists. —Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Let us not be mere spectators. With our pens, with our voices, with our contributions to our great cause let us give history a push in the direction of freedom. —Lew Rockwell
To be an anarchist only means that you believe that aggression is not justified, and that states necessarily employ aggression. And, therefore, the aggression they necessarily employ, are unjustified. It’s quite simple, really. It’s an ethical view. —Stephan Kinsella, Lawyer, Author, Anarcho-Capitalist
As governments fail around the world, as more millions become aware that government never has and never can humanely and effectively manage men’s affairs, government’s own inadequacy will emerge, at last, as the basis for a truly radical and revolutionary movement. —Karl Hess
Both Left and Right are reactionary and authoritarian. That is to say, both are political. They seek only to revise current methods of acquiring and wielding political power. Radical and revolutionary movements seek not to revise but to revoke. The target of revocation should be obvious. The target is politics itself. —Karl Hess (The Death of Politics)
The greatest gains against poverty in the United States occurred when government was least involved. —Tom Woods
Any officer who executes a no-knock raid on peaceful citizens should be treated with complete hatred & contempt by civilized people. —Michael Malice
Liberty is a profoundly revolutionary concept and it can only be achieved through the liquidation of the oppressor State. —Murray Rothbard
Taxation is theft, purely and simply, even though it is theft on a grand and colossal scale which no acknowledged criminals could hope to match. It is a compulsory seizure of the property of the State’s inhabitants, or subjects.— Murray Rothbard