The prohibition and control of narcotics have only led to even more detrimental consequences than before the state’s involvement. —Derek Wills

The prohibition and control of narcotics have only led to even more detrimental consequences than before the state’s involvement. —Derek Wills
Liberty is the right of the individual to invoke sole dominion over their own life to act as they see fit, provided the act in and of itself does not directly infringe on the right of another individual to do the same. —Derek Wills, The Liberty Solution
If you don’t agree with them on policy, you’re a sexist, you’re a bigot, or you’re a racist. The moment they claim that, with no evidence, other than we don’t agree… then they don’t get to lecture us on compassion, tolerance, or open debate. —Nick Freitas
Many on the political left are so entranced by the beauty of their vision that they cannot see the ugly reality they are creating in the real world. —Thomas Sowell
End all of the wars.
End all of the remnants of the COVID regime.
End the COVID restrictions.
End all of the corporate bailouts.
End all federal militarization of the police.
End the war on drugs.
Repeal the Patriot Act.
Abolish the FBI and the ATF.
End all gun control.
End all of these awful organizations that are a disgrace to a professed free society. Let’s give being a free country a shot. That’s what we need right now. —Dave Smith
It is well known that in war, the first casualty is truth — that during any war truth is forsaken for propaganda. —Harry Browne
Wars are orchestrated by evil narcissists living out their power fantasy delusions at the expense of the young and the poor. — Jack V. Lloyd
The thing about unintended consequences is it doesn’t matter whether your intent is good, it doesn’t matter whether the regulation that you’re imposing is well thought out, it doesn’t matter whether lots of people are in favor of the regulation. It is the fact that the coercion takes away from people their abilities to make decisions for themselves that causes the unintended consequence. —Antony Davies
The rising cost of gas is not isolated to a single president or party; it’s a system of abuse, a deep con, and fraud. Both major parties play on your ignorance of economics that protect the scam and fuel useless infighting. — Jessica Leigh Sentman
The history of government is the history of violence, of the strong plundering the weak. Wicked tyrants engage in orgies of violence; being rulers they could give free rein to all their desires. —Murray Rothbard